Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Predilection for Blue Mountain Coffee

Why blue?

If someone says I have the blues, it usually means that he or she is in a mood of loving wrong. For coffee lovers for its part, the Blues have one of the best coffee experience, the Blue Mountain coffee to take what it is. Most people might wonder why Blue Mountain coffee beans very loved and desired, even with the price tag that accompanies it. There must be more than what appears here.

Blue MountainThe coffee beans grown and harvested in the mountains of Jamaica in the Caribbean region. The production and distribution of these coffee beans are strictly regulated by the Jamaica Coffee Industry Board. Perhaps this is one reason why Jamaica Blue Mountain coffee beans of excellent quality. We must also consider the position of their country and the tropical climate of Jamaica, a perfect balance between sun, rain anddrew fresh rich local flavor.

Interestingly, besides these, the Jamaica Coffee wet grain used for its worldwide reputation. After harvesting, the beans in water. This makes it easy to use as a good time bad fruit ripe grains fall to classify float. The beans are then peeled and washed. The "wet parchment" as such as coffee paste is called upon by six then removed from the ageWeeks at least to dry. These grains were distributed in yards and large tables, and ran several times during the day for drying and prevent mold growth in the seeds. This drying process allows more consistent, allowing air to circulate better around the beans.

Class Blues

There are few degrees of Blue Mountain coffee beans. Most cereals are produced by small local farmers. Variety exists as every entrepreneur says hisor your secret process of removing dry hair, then cured and roasted, then, the Blue Mountain.

According to the law of the coffee industry regulation, the categories of these coffee beans are listed incorrectly in accordance with Blue Mountain coffee bean size, its permission.

Blue Mountain No. 1

These are the beans with a maximum of 2% for major defects and a screen size of 17/18.

Blue Mountain No2

Defect in the same distance of 2% for non-Blue Mountain. 1, but the size is 16/17.

Blue Mountain No. 3

major defects must be within 2% and the screen size 15/16/17.

Blue Mountain Peaberry

For Peaberry, means that instead of two halves, with a coffee bean cherry, a single lap in the bean. They say that these grains are too light, smooth flavor tastes incline. The default value for the maximum range of blueMountain Peaberry is 2% and screen size is 10 clocks.

Blue Mountain Triage

In their name, indicating that it is a combination of Blue Mountain is not preserved. 1, 2 and 3 are major deficiencies provided for a maximum of 4%.

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