Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Aboriginal prison U.S. war in southern Afghanistan (allocation of 3.2)

Idaho City is the return of captured soldiers: ---------------------- out the full video: larawbar -------. NET ------ Associated Press report: The city of Idaho soldier remained silent about the Taliban conquest of Hailey, Idaho (AP) - Almost two weeks ago the news that an American soldier in Afghanistan was a small group of people in this central Idaho town of 7,000 known to have captured one of them, the only son of a local family who was educated at home here, danced in the ballet locallySchool and toured by bicycle around the world, was in the hands of the Taliban. Out of respect for a soldier. R. Bowe Bergdahl Bergdahl intensely private family and the fear that all he could say what they make their situation more precarious, however, residents could have Hailey origin Bergdahl kept secret. The Pentagon was not good to talk, all the U.S. Defense Department officials said it was the beginning of July that an American soldier captured enemy thought. The 23-year-old served with a unit BergdahlHeadquartered at Fort Richardson, Alaska, earlier this month when he disappeared, only five months after their arrival in Afghanistan, officials said. He was serving at a base near the Pakistani border in an area with a known Taliban stronghold. Only after the Internet transmission of a 28-minute video that shows captive Bergdahl Saturday and could not return home the Department of Defense officials finally announced the name of his fears. Some friends and acquaintances are also slowly opening with Bergdahl...

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